Who we are
We are fishermen and women, bird watchers, hunters, kayakers, dog walkers, parents, conservationists, and more.
What we believe
We believe that the Lookout Slough project should preserve existing access as well as create new access opportunities for all users, not just boaters.
Our plan
We've proposed a plan that allows DWR to meet their goals as well as allow for recreation access. DWR has not yet received approval from:
The Delta Stewardship Council
The Solano County Board of Supervisors
We need to make sure that these bodies insist on public access being part of the Lookout Slough Project plan.
The CA Department of Water Resources (DWR) is planning to restore over 3,100 acres of tidal wetlands with the $118 million dollar Lookout Slough Restoration Project, immediately west of Liberty Island Road. The design for the artificial wetlands in their plan dictates several cuts through the levee that Liberty Island Road presently sits on. They also plan to degrade (lower) the height of the levee in two areas so that flood waters may pass over it into the newly restored wetlands.
These changes would mean a permanent loss of land based public access to Liberty Island Ecological Reserve.
We filed an appeal at the Delta Stewardship Council, AND WE WON. Now we want to make sure that the project that DWR sends back for approval preserves the rights of the public to access the local public lands and waterways.
Subset of survey results showing where Liberty Island users travel from. Blue circle shows 50 mi radius from the Liberty Island Road Bridge.