Take action!
Written public comments are being accepted NOW until 5pm on 7/28/2023
Written public comments are being accepted NOW until 5pm on 7/28/2023
If you love fishing, hunting, and kayaking in the North Delta, then NOW is the time to make your voice heard.
You can make a difference really fast. In your own words, just say these things:
Why you think public access for fishing/hunting/kayaking is important
Why the Little Egbert Tract project needs to make NEW parking and recreation access to mitigate for the loss of access at Shag Slough and Liberty Island Ecological Preserve.
Remember, even two sentences from you is 10 times more effective than signing a 2 page letter written by us. If you need inspiration, check out this letter.
Send your letter ASAP to:
with the subject heading:
“RE: Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project NOP”